Thursday, August 27, 2009

Day Six: Final Thoughts - Where do we go from here?

Thank you all for participating in this peer day.  Please feel free to review the posts and continue to post to the different days.  I will be checking the blog to see if people continue to post comments.  I hope everyone enjoyed the conversations......very stimulating.  It makes me miss you all even more!

For our last day I would like to wrap up with final thoughts.  We can go in any direction!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Day Five: Fast Food Nation

Seeing as though most of us had trouble posting on "The Taste of Sweet" let's continue the conversation today along with Fast Food Nation...... which I must say grossed me out thuroughly. 

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Day Four: "The Taste of Sweet"

Hi everyone.  I would like to thank everyone again for their continued participation.  I would like to revisit the autoethnographies again at the close of the peer day if you would allow it.  This will give everyone some time to review Kathy's piece, submit additional pieces, and to reflect on how the peer day and continued conversation may have more of an affect on each of us.
Today I would like to move into "The Taste of Sweet."   The cover of this book caught my eye in the store and I was fascinated by its context.   I am dumbfounded by the story of the strawberry.  People think I am absolutely off my rocker when I share with them what was reported on the extinction of the native strawberry.  I particularly like to share this information with students while conducting a DNA extration lab wherein we literally extract the DNA from strawberries.  It gets them thinking about food, where food comes from, and how the same foods can have such dissimilar tastes...... notions they may otherwise never think about.
What was everyone else's big "Wow, I can't belive that!" moment from this book?

Monday, August 24, 2009

Day Three: Food Autoethnography Sharing

I get more excited with each passing day!  The posts have been wonderful and it makes me want to share in a meal with everyone!  Today we need to share our updated/new autoehtnographies with each other.  I would also like to invite everyone to continue posting to the first and second day posts. 
Keep up the great work everyone!!!!!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Day Two: Like Water for Chocolate

Welcome to day two of our Peer Day.  I would like to thank everyone for their rich conversation and wonderful insights and connections that have been shared based on the reading.  Today, I would like to continue our conversation from yesterday as I believe we have just begun to touch on some very important ideas.  I would also like to see us add some thoughts based on Like Water for Chocolate. 

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Day One: "When I was Puerto Rican"

Welcome to Film, Food, Fiction Peer Day!

Welcome Everyone! I look forward to the rich conversations I know will be taking place over the next week.

Housekeeping: I added an extra day to the peer day for technical difficulties or any unforeseen life events that may occur for anyone. I have listed the order in which we will discuss the books/movies/related readings in hopes that the conversation will build each day, meaning none of our learning should be in isolation.  Each day we will start with a new post, but please feel free to keep commenting on previous posts!


Day One: "When I was Puerto Rican" and related readings

Day Two: Like Water for Chocolate

Day Three: Food Authoethnography...What is new?

Day Four: "The Taste of Sweet"

Day Five: Fast Food Nation

Day Six: Any Last Thoughts, New Additions, Where do we go from here?